bi+ world meetup! p.m. edition

Zoom Online

Join us at the next edition of the bi+ world meetup! Attention! You can join the a.m. UTC edition or the p.m. UTC edition of the Bi+ World MeetUp!, or both if you wish. Check date and time carefully when registering. Register via Eventbrite. Let's meet, share stories and be part of a global bi+ […]

bi+ world meetup september 6th 2024 at 8pm UTC

Zoom Online

Let’s meet, share stories and be part of a global bi+ network! The Bi+ World Meetup is an online meetup hosted multiple times a year by Robyn Ochs and Bi+ Nederland. Everyone is welcome whether you are new to the bi+ community or a long time member of the community.

bi visibility day

23 september is Bi Visibility Day. Wereldwijd worden op of rond die dag activiteiten georganiseerd om biseksualiteit zichtbaar te maken en daar aandacht voor te vragen. Bi Visibility Day werd voor het eerst gehouden in 1999 in de Verenigde Staten en is een idee van de bi-activisten Wendy Curry, Michael Page en Gigi Raven Wilbur. […]

tip: 3rd international bisexuality+ research conference

Online Online

The International Bisexuality+ Research Conference is a free online conference for anyone who wants to learn more about bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, plurisexual, queer, fluid, and unlabeled experiences. Enjoy a weekend of stimulating interdisciplinary discussions and presentations on 05/06.10.2024 Who we are The Bisexual Research Group is comprised of a group of researchers, educators, and activists […]

tip: setting the basics of bi+ equality

Online Online

During the workshop we'll be setting the basics of bi+ equality. We'll be discussing the terminologies and look into the results of some current research on bi+ people. There is room for questions and discussion, and we'll introduce the plans of Bi+ Equal for the next two years.

bi+ world meetup november 22nd 2024 at 9pm UTC

Zoom Online

Let’s meet, share stories and be part of a global bi+ network! The Bi+ World Meetup is an online meetup hosted multiple times a year by Robyn Ochs and Bi+ Nederland. Everyone is welcome whether you are new to the bi+ community or a long time member of the community.

bi+ world meetup november 22nd 2024 at 9pm UTC

Zoom Online

Let’s meet, share stories and be part of a global bi+ network! The Bi+ World Meetup is an online meetup hosted multiple times a year by Robyn Ochs and Bi+ Nederland. Everyone is welcome whether you are new to the bi+ community or a long time member of the community.

bi+ world meetup januari 31nd 2025 at 9pm UTC

Zoom Online

Let’s meet, share stories and be part of a global bi+ network! The Bi+ World Meetup is an online meetup hosted multiple times a year by Robyn Ochs and Bi+ Nederland. Everyone is welcome whether you are new to the bi+ community or a long time member of the community.