bi+ people and work

publications about bi+ people and work

For Bi+ people and work – an exploration, the University of Leiden together with Bi+ Nederland has mapped out the experiences of bi+ people at work. The exploration also provides insight into promising approaches to increasing bi+ inclusion at work. The exploration was carried out through an extensive literature study and interviews with bi+ people and experts.

We have provided an English version of the conclusions and recommendations and to the Guide Inclusion of bi+ people at work.

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expositie bi+ en werk

expositie bi+ en werk

Bi+ Nederland ontwikkelde naar aanleiding van de verkenning ‘Bi+ mensen en werk’ een expositie rondom dit thema, waarin ervaringsverhalen van bi+ mensen op het werk centraal staan.

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Bi+ Inclusion Scan

Bi+ Inclusion Scan

How bi+ inclusive is your organization? The Bi+ Inclusion Scan gives you and your organization more insight on this.

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