We are Bi+ Nederland, the Dutch equality organization for bi+ people and bi+ inclusion. While our main focus is on the Netherlands, we are growing our international work by bringing the international bi+ community together, translating documents and articles, and participating in and contributing to international (advocacy) events.
This part of our website is a work in progress.
bi+ world meetup!
Want to meet bi+ people from around the world? Join the Bi+ World Meetup! It’s online.
Read a selection of our articles in English.
In an ideal world, people give each other space to be themselves in how they want to experience love, lust, desires and relationships. In an ideal world, everyone is encouraged and supported in this rather than restricted. Of course, within the frameworks of mutual consent, respect and equality. This is what a bi+ inclusive society looks like.
the monosexual norm: you are attracted to the ‘same’ or the ‘other’ gender(gay/straight);
the binary gender norm: there are two genders, you are either male or female;
relationship norms: relationships are exclusive, monogamous and always consist of two partners.
Our vision is that by 2030, bi+ is seen as a self-evident, positive and equal sexual orientation in the Netherlands.
Ten tips for bi+ inclusion for professionals and volunteers
These ten tips are intended for professionals and volunteers who want to work on lgbtqia+ inclusion in a way that is also effective for bi+ inclusion.
Bi+ Inclusive Language Guide
This Bi+ Inclusive Language Guide is intended for organizations, professionals, volunteers and other interested parties who are engaged in lgbtqia+ empowerment, diversity, and inclusion.
bi+ people and work
For Bi+ people and work – an exploration, we have mapped out the experiences of bi+ people at work. The exploration also provides insight into promising approaches to increasing bi+ inclusion at work.